by thegrovewellness | Jun 9, 2010 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, exercise, Health Resources
I had the pleasure of participating in the local Tri-K triathlon here in Courtney a few weeks ago. I didn’t manage to get in any training beforehand, but managed to have a pretty good time along the way. If you consider burning legs and a numb bum a pretty good...
by thegrovewellness | Oct 31, 2009 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, exercise, Health Tips, Research
It has been mentioned before in this Comox Valley Chiropractor Blog that improper activation of the gluteal muscle can lead to many lower limb issues such as knee pain (patello-femoral syndrome) or IT Band problems. A research study was recently published which sought...
by thegrovewellness | Oct 24, 2009 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, exercise, Health Tips, Research
If you have been reading this blog, you know by now that back pain is a huge problem in our society. In affects over 80% of people at least once in their lives, and can lead to high costs in terms of diagnostic testing/imaging, treatment, medication, decreased...
by thegrovewellness | Oct 18, 2009 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, exercise, Health Tips, treatment options
In the opinion of this Courtenay chiropractor, problems with internal rotation of the shoulder are often a major component of the rotator cuff issues seen in my office. In office, I will employ soft tissue therapy, chiropractic adjustments and taping to help restore...
by thegrovewellness | Oct 5, 2009 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, exercise, Health Resources, Health Tips
One thing I do love about the Comox Valley is the unbelievable number of fitness opportunities! Especially when it comes to yoga. I had the opportunity to check out a hatha class with Brian Hill in Cumberland the other day. Not only was his space warm, calming and...
by thegrovewellness | Aug 10, 2009 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, exercise, Research
For years research has been conducted into the benefits of exercise for chronic low back and neck pain. Even though we know exercise is good for us, we don’t really know a lot about how it is prescribed in real-life situations (practice). Recently, a large...