by thegrovewellness | Sep 30, 2008 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, Health Tips
Just a quick post today after experiencing something in my office that drives me nuts – Cell Phones. I’ve never been a huge fan of big signs asking you to turn off cell phones, I think they are tacky and usually I don’t have to ask anyone twice to...
by thegrovewellness | Sep 28, 2008 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, Health Tips, Research
All of my patients can now stop rolling their eyes every time this Comox Valley Chiropractor tells them to stop smoking, exercise more, eat well and drink moderately. My patients are quite used to my preachings on living a healthier lifestyle, and now (as if I...
by thegrovewellness | Sep 21, 2008 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, Health Tips, Research
In my view, disc degeneration is somewhere along the lines of death and taxes – inevitable and it affects everyone. However, while everyone may show the signs of disc degeneration (on X-ray), what that actually means in terms of pain, quality of life and...
by thegrovewellness | Sep 14, 2008 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, Health Resources, treatment options
A research study published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine states that “Arthroscopic surgery for osteoarthritis of the knee provides no additional benefit to optimized physical and medical therapy.” Researchers followed two groups of...
by thegrovewellness | Sep 10, 2008 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, Research, treatment options
Chronic low back pain has been the subject of much research and funding, with very little relevant information coming from the effort. It is a very difficult condition to manage, and its effect on society can be valued into the billions of dollars. However, it is also...