by thegrovewellness | May 12, 2010 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, Research, Uncategorized
Before I jump into my post today, I’d first like to apologize for not posting for so long. It seems that I have taken to being a Comox Valley resident quite nicely, which means less work and more play. Too much time spent on the mountain, on the trails or in the...
by thegrovewellness | Sep 26, 2009 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, Health Resources, Research
Chiropractic care is often sought as a form of alternative medicine and complementary care to coincide with traditional medical treatments. Many cancer patients even elect to visit a chiropractor as part of their treatment regimen. According to the Canadian...
by thegrovewellness | Sep 18, 2009 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, Health Tips, Research, treatment options
Anytime someone comes into my Comox Valley Chiropractic office with knee pain, I always will look at their hips and pelvis for dysfunction. It is a logical step that most chiropractors will take. Now, new research is emerging which is showing that a measurable...
by thegrovewellness | Jul 20, 2009 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, exercise, Research, Uncategorized
Over the years, research has clearly shown that exercise and stabilization of the lower back are key to making a full recovery from back pain. Stu McGill, a leader in this field of research has consistently guided our thinking in terms of specific exercises that...
by thegrovewellness | Jun 22, 2009 | Research, treatment options
A great article (which can be found here) recently appeared in the Toronto Star talking about academic research and collaborative practice amongst Chiropractic doctors. With new Chiropractic research chairs being added each year (University of British Columbia,...