by thegrovewellness | Oct 31, 2009 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, exercise, Health Tips, Research
It has been mentioned before in this Comox Valley Chiropractor Blog that improper activation of the gluteal muscle can lead to many lower limb issues such as knee pain (patello-femoral syndrome) or IT Band problems. A research study was recently published which sought...
by thegrovewellness | Sep 10, 2009 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, Health Resources, Health Tips
I’d like to extend a huge “Thank You!” to Mike and Tomiko over at The Broken Spoke in Courtenay. For those of you who have not had the pleasure of frequenting this new shop, its part coffee shop, part bike shop. The coffee shop is superb, and in my...
by thegrovewellness | Aug 24, 2008 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, Research, treatment options
Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) can be described as outside (lateral) knee pain that is made worse by any lower limb activities, most notably running and cycling. The incidence of this injury is on the rise in my practice, but research also shows that ITBS is the...
by thegrovewellness | Mar 26, 2008 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, exercise, Health Tips
This article was originally written for Wings of Steel – a blog created and maintained by Karley Cunningham, a cycling woman of steel! Did you know that knee pain (or patello-femoral pain) accounts for one quarter of all cycling problems? While cycling can...