by thegrovewellness | Aug 10, 2009 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, exercise, Research
For years research has been conducted into the benefits of exercise for chronic low back and neck pain. Even though we know exercise is good for us, we don’t really know a lot about how it is prescribed in real-life situations (practice). Recently, a large...
by thegrovewellness | May 29, 2009 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, exercise, Health Tips, Research
Osteoarthritis is the most common type of joint problem worldwide, with knee arthritis being the most prevalent. The chances of getting knee arthritis increase with age, weight, previous injury or heredity. There is mixed evidence to support various types of knee...
by thegrovewellness | Apr 29, 2009 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, Research, treatment options
Myofascial Pain Syndrome can be defined as chronic muscle pain. This pain originates around certain points of pain and sensitivity in your muscles called trigger points. A recent study was published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics that...
by thegrovewellness | Feb 8, 2009 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, Research, treatment options
As a Comox Valley Chiropractor who’s practice is mainly comprised of back pain, neck pain, headaches and other limb pain, I often hear of people’s adventures with other forms of treatment. Many of these techniques are “named techniques”, or in...
by thegrovewellness | Dec 7, 2008 | Comox Valley Chiropractic, Health Tips, treatment options
The plantar fascia of the foot is a thick band of connective tissue that supports the arch of the foot. It runs from the heel up towards the toes on the bottom of the foot. Excessive wear and tear on this structure can lead to inflammation and results in pain on the...